PVPOA Board Members
Brent Delehoy |
Board Members are all volunteers who live within the community. Members are elected at the Annual Meeting and serve a 3 year term. Specific positions are decided upon amongst the board members based on ability and personal preference. Members are asked to attend monthly meetings, the annual meeting, and any emergency meetings as needed. Members may exchange emails on community issues between meetings or interact personally to facilitate water or financial needs during the month. The overall workload and time investment is low, but serves a vital role to the continued prosperity of PVPOA. There are also opportunities to serve your community on special projects or specific liaison opportunities.
All property owners are expected to know, understand and abide by the policies and bylaws of the community. The board serves to monitor and arbitrate issues within the community as needed, but the expection is that each resident maintain their property appropriately, be respectful of their community, and settle things the old fashioned way - by knowing and talking to your neighbors!
If you are interested in joining the board or have additional questions about how the Board operates, please reach out to a Board Member directly or attend a monthly meeting.
All property owners are expected to know, understand and abide by the policies and bylaws of the community. The board serves to monitor and arbitrate issues within the community as needed, but the expection is that each resident maintain their property appropriately, be respectful of their community, and settle things the old fashioned way - by knowing and talking to your neighbors!
If you are interested in joining the board or have additional questions about how the Board operates, please reach out to a Board Member directly or attend a monthly meeting.